Single Vision Lenses

single vision lens format
Best for people who require glasses for seeing long distance or near distance.

Available with:

  • ZEISS SmartLife
  • ZEISS DriveSafe
  • ZEISS Photofusion X
  • ZEISS Polarized Sun

Bifocal Lenses

bifocal lens format
Best for people who require glasses for seeing both near and long distance.

Available with:

  • ZEISS Polarized Sun

Progressive Lenses

progressive lens format
Best for people who require glasses for seeing long, intermediate and near distance.

Available with:

  • ZEISS SmartLife
  • ZEISS DriveSafe
  • ZEISS Photofusion X
  • ZEISS OfficeLens
  • ZEISS Polarized Sun

About Single Vision Lenses

teenagers wearing glasses while playing videogames Single vision lenses are the most common type of prescription lens and are used to correct poor vision in those who are nearsighted or farsighted. They help you see clearer at a single distance, with just one prescription power throughout the entire lens surface. The prescription power is determined by your optometrist during your eye exam. Single vision reading glasses are specially adjusted to your individual reading distance, helping you read a book or small fonts on a smartphone or tablet.

Bifocal or progressive lenses may be a better fit for those who need help seeing both near and far distances.

About Bifocal Lenses

Bifocal lenses consist of two prescription lenses in the same frame separated by a dividing line. This dual prescription enables you to see objects clearly both up close and at a distance. The lower viewing area, or the “reading zone,” corrects farsightedness, while the upper portion sharpens objects at a distance.

However, because some may find the dividing line unappealing or even irritating, many opt instead for modern progressive lenses, which offer a seamless transition and greater visual comfort between the vision zones.

woman cooking in a kitchen and reading a recipe on a tablet

About Progressive Lenses

man working at home viewing devices at different distances Progressive lenses have a power for near, intermediate and distance zones. Unlike bifocals and trifocals, progressive lenses have a smooth power with a seamless transition and no dividing line. From top to bottom, your eyes can quickly and comfortably refocus at all distances and directions.

Progressive lenses use advanced technology to ensure clear sight and an accurate fit to your individual needs using a range of factors determined by your optometrist. They are best for those correcting nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and those developing presbyopia (a common eye condition resulting in the loss of elasticity in the lens of the eye due to the natural part of aging).

Progressive lenses are great for reading, working at a computer or distance viewing while driving.

Schedule an eye exam and one of our knowledgeable optometrists can help you understand which lens type is best for you. Also, learn about Lenses, Lens Coatings, and Lens Materials.